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Save Time And Money With Grove Color-coded Plastic Shims

Grove Shims’ heavy-duty plastic shims are made of high-quality plastic materials. Unlike shims made from wood or metal, plastic shims won’t rot or rust.

In this video, you will see that because our plastic shims are designed for easy leveling and alignment, various color-coded plastic shim styles fit around screws and bolts. The shape of these heavy-duty plastic leveling shims allows for increased flexibility for use in aligning, leveling, and adjustment.

With the wide variety of solid, color-coded plastic shims available, including stackable shims, U-shims, custom shims, and much more, the correct shim can be chosen every time for any job that needs to get done to save you time and money.

For more information and to browse our shims, visit our Plastic Shims page.

Interested In Our Heavy-duty Plastic Shims?

With any questions or for a quote request, please reach out to us.